Systemic weekend retreat connect deeply

Leave behind solitude and connect deeply to others in a healthy & loving way

6 - 8 December 2024

Are you ready to create deeper, healthier relationships? Many people struggle to find the balance between opening up to others and maintaining their independence. Sometimes, we feel vulnerable and build walls around ourselves or put on a happy face to protect ourselves. But imagine how empowering it would be to connect with others confidently and lovingly, while being your authentic self!

Explore & Heal

During this special weekend, we’ll explore the theme of connecting with others in a healthy and loving way. Trust is the foundation of every meaningful relationship, but not everyone has easy access to it. Perhaps you grew up in an environment where emotional or physical safety was lacking, or your parents weren’t emotionally available to you. Others may come from families where independence and freedom were prioritized, which can make it difficult to form close bonds. Whatever your background, this weekend will give you valuable insights into your patterns and, more importantly, provide tools to heal and open up to deep, healthy relationships. 

What you can expect

1) See clearly through family dynamics

Discover how using constellations & exercises how you shape your current relationships through powerful systemic practices and mini-family constellations.

2) Reconnect with your inner self

Reconnect with your inner self through guided meditation and visualization techniques. Reconnect with nature and with rest.

3) Move through emotional blocks

Move through any emotional blocks using body-centered techniques such as bodywork, breathwork, and dancing that will help you integrate and bring lightness into the weekend.

4) Foster deep connections and build trust

Build trust and foster deeper connections with others in the group through sharing circles and authentic communication.

Location: in nature

Your guides

Zeeger & Kim have been facilitating Family Constellations, Systemic retreats and all sorts of leadership trainings now for a few years. We believe that true transformation comes from a place of lightness, gentleness, and play. Our modern, accessible approach is designed to create a space where everyone feels welcome, supported, and seen. Whether you are diving deep into personal development or simply exploring new ways to connect, we emphasize ease and playfulness in everything we do.

For us, connection is at the heart of everything. Whether it’s through group exercises, shared experiences, or quiet moments of reflection, we cultivate deep bonds that last. In our work, you will feel the importance of being truly present—not just with others, but with yourself. We are here to guide you through this journey with a sense of lightness, allowing for discovery, growth, and healing without overwhelm.

Who is this for?

This retreat is perfect for anyone ready to break free from old family patterns and cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships. If any of the following resonate with you, this retreat could be transformative:

  • You’re interested in how to deepen your relations with others and want to learn more about what happens between you and the other person.

  • You want to learn how to stay your authentic self in contact with someone else.

  • You’d like to build strong friendships and relationships, but it is hard to let your guards down.

  • Whenever in a relationship you tend to “loose” yourself by pleasing the other person afraid that he or she will leave you.

  • You find yourself unable to sustain a relationship because you try to grasp on or run away from certain feelings.

  • It is hard for you to trust others and this stands in the way of true connection to other people.

Practical information

  • 6 December - 8 December

    We will start at 5 pm on the Friday and will have a shared dinner. Then on Sunday we will end at 3 pm.

  • We offer two types of accommodation:

    1. Shared bedroom with private bathroom - €549,-

    2. Camping with own tent or campervan next to the main house - €449,-

    Prices include accommodation and food, starting with a shared dinner on Friday evening and finishing with a shared lunch on Sunday.

  • This retreat is at T’ Sybrook. A location that has been part of the Scholten family for many decades and passed down from generation to generation. It’s a beautiful place surrounded by forest. We use renewable energy to power the house and have a beautiful open space with fireplace where we give workshops.

    Location: In nature nearby Enschede

  • The spoken language depends on who attends. It will be in Dutch if everyone speaks Dutch. When one or more of the participants don't speak Dutch, we will switch to English.